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What is The Measurement Environmental Error


The measurement environment error refers to the error caused by the external temperature, humidity, air pressure, electromagnetic field, vibration, and light during the measurement process. The following are explained:


1. Environment Temperature

Length measurement error E and detection error R are errors under specified conditions before delivery, also known as basic errors. The first step in environmental conditions is ambient temperature. The general ambient temperature is required to be within 20°C±2°C, and the ambient temperature not only requires the CMM itself to be stable, but also requires the measured parts to be stable. Because metal materials are affected by temperature and will produce thermal expansion and cold contraction, the length is not the same at different temperatures.


2. Environment Humidity

Humidity should generally be controlled within 35 ~ 65%, humidity not only affects the measurement error, but also seriously damage the electrical parts of the coordinate measuring machine. Install a dehumidifier in the CMM and ensure that the dehumidifier matches the ambient humidity. If the humidity is too small, less than 35%, you need to increase the humidity so that it is slightly greater than 35%.


3. Air Pressure

Under the conditions of use of CMM, the pressure must reach a certain value. Because the air bearings of CMM are all gas bearings, low air pressure will seriously affect the measurement error. Some users do not know enough about this, and the air supply of the general air compressor station is provided by the manufacturer, which leads to extremely stable air.


4. Electromagnetic Field

Electromagnetic influence on the CMM electrical equipment, because the electromagnetic field has a great change, the CMM will produce random errors. Therefore, there should be no transformer, EDM machine, frequency resistance, arc welding, seam welding and other strong electric and magnetic field equipment near the CMM machine room.


5. Environmental Vibration

If there is a vibration source, it will also cause the coordinate measuring machine to produce errors, if the vibration source is different, the error is different. Therefore, strong source equipment such as vibration free motor and punching machine is required.


6. Illumination

Light is also a problem with ambient temperature, which is easy to overlook, especially when there is no insulation, Windows are set up, and measuring rooms are built on the corner of two adjacent walls. The temperature in the equipment room varies under sunlight, resulting in measurement errors. Don't light the room too close to one part of the coordinate measuring machine.


Please contact us if any questions or advice at overseas0711@vip.163.com